Classroom visits

On Tuesday 7 November we held our second Parent/Headteacher question and answer session, followed by parents joining their child in the classroom to work alongside them.

Parent’s views are invaluable and a meaningful constructive discussion was held around communication. Thank you for your thoughts.

At 9.15am parents joined their child in class. Parents commented on their enjoyment of being in the class, as well as being amazed and what they experienced.

All parents are welcome at these open sessions. It would be lovely to see more parents at the next one on the 7 December at 8.45am.

Mrs Robertson

Thank You Premier League!

Christmas came early: three, enormous boxes of equipment were waiting for our return after half term. The equipment is a gift from the Premier League and is part of their scheme to promote active learning across the curriculum.

Needless to say the brand new, well-pumped footballs are already a big hit but we are sure to be using the full range of equipment to motivate pupils to make best progress in the very near future.

Thank you to Richard Scudamore and the FA Premier League for their support.

Mrs Graham

Our new digital leaders

We have our new digital leaders who will be updating our blog to tell you all about our leaning! We hope you enjoy reading!

4RP – Caitlin and Rose

4NG – Connor and Dylan

5AG – Raia and Ellen

5PD – Eloise and Sam

6NW – Hewgo and Max

6JJ/TB – Eloise and Grace

Safety Day 2015

Safety Day 2015

The whole school enjoyed a fantastic Safety Day. Thanks to our special guests, Paramedics Sally and Sabrena, each class attended a first aid workshops focussing on the recovery position and CPR. They also led an assembly about what to do in an emergency and when 999 is the right choice.

In class each year group focussed on a different aspect of personal safety. Year 3 made sure they were safe on the road by learning and practicing how to cross a road safely. We also investigated clues to crossing safely that are not only seen but heard and felt as well. Bumps on the ground tell us that this is a safe place to cross as long as we remember to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN! Year 4 created wonderful models of beaches with lots of safety signals including safe swimming flags, lifeguards and safety buoys. In Year 5 they were investigating fire safety by looking at safe escapes routes. Finally short films were created by Year 6 learnt to promote firework safety.

Country Dancing Festival 2015

This year’s country dancing festival was a slight change to previous years as the weather wasn’t in our favour this morning.

However, we took full advantage of a break in the rain in the afternoon and were able to show our year group dances and also a couple of traditional country dances. The children (and teachers!) had obviously been working hard to learn the routines.

Here is a selection of photos:

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Children In Need 2014

Well in true FJS style, we came ready to raise money for Children in Need 2014.

We all dressed as superhero’s, creating our own names and powers! Many of us came armed with cakes ready for our cake sale and the BBC news came to film us arriving at school.

This year was no different and our traditional afternoon of games was enjoyed by the whole school community. Much hard work goes into creating our own games which are run and the rest of the school enjoy playing (and winning!).

After a wonderful day where much fun was had we needed to remember that we were raising money for such a worthwhile cause.

We await  the announcement of the grand total amount raised and hope it is a new school record.

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Harvest at FJS

During this week children have been organising their donations to our Harvest celebrations at FJS.

Mr Parsons from the Trussell Trust presented an assembly to the whole school and thanked them for their generous donations.

A little information about the Trussall Trust:
The foodbank is now firmly established in South Wiltshire and was given the Queen’s Jubilee for service to the community in 2003.  It was set up by The Trussell Trust (Registered Charity No 1110522), a Christian charity, and is committed to launching life changing, sustainable community based projects.
The foodbank provides short term emergency food to people in crisis.  Food is given as an intervention strategy which allows care professionals, such as Church Pastoral Workers, Health Visitors, Social Services etc, time to put longer term measures in place.  Last year the foodbank distributed over 38 tonnes of food to 4,054 people, of which 1,563 were children.  People are given enough food for at least 3 days.  We would be delighted if the children could support this charity.Trussell Trust

Meet our Guys!

Every class was set the challenge to build the best Guy for our firework event. With the competition on each class set to work on their secret plans to construct their masterpieces!

After much stuffing, creating and fun our creations were complete.

I think you will agree they are all wonderful and all got their own style!




Happy 40th Birthday

On Friday 26th September we celebrated Fordingbridge Junior Schools 40th birthday!

The school was opened in 1974 with Mr Bray being the headteacher. We were delighted that Mr Bray came back for the afternoon celebrations and shared his experiences, not to mention many old members of staff and previous pupils.

To celebrate we held an open afternoon where members of the community were invited to share our learning and have a tour of the school with our school prefects. Our visitors were then treated to tea and scones.

The children had a wonderful afternoon completing a time line of what they thought the school was like 40 years ago, as well as predicting what it would be like in 40 years time. We also planned our own time capsules to sum up what we thought FJS would be like today!